Sébastien Zappa, PhD // montrealo, Kebeko
malvarma mergado

Mergu en la mondon
de la aero, la glacio kaj la vicigo
My teaching approach primarily relies on developing respiratory health, awareness and control, as a mean to become more resilient. Postural work and stressors (such as cold exposure) are key practices in reinforcing breathing practices.

Uimhofa Metodo
Through breathing exercises, gradual exposure to cold and mindset training, the Wim Hof Method is a great tool. As the only level 2 certified instructor in the province of Québec, I can introduce you to the basic practice or guide you into the advanced tools of the Wim Hof Method.

Oksigena Avantagxo
The Oxygen Advantage is a great approach to add functional breathing into your daily life and target issues such as stress, sleep quality and athletic performances. As an Advanced certified instructor, I can provide you the right personalized advices.

Behind this acronyme are intense and amazing stretches that promote spinal health and reinforce overall postural alignement. They are a great companions of the respiratory chain.

Overall breathing geek...
Because knowledge goes beyond certifications, I am always eager to learn from as much sources as I can. As a man of science, I am doing my best to avoid pseudo-scientific dead ends.
Numbers Speak
Teaching with passion and deontology.
Mi eklernis la Uimofan Metodon en 2016 kaj igxis instruisto en 2018. Diplomoj por la Oksigxena Avantagxo kaj ELDOAoj sekigxis.
Mi sxatas labori kun malgrandaj grupoj aux ecx individuoj por sekurigxi ke cxiuj ricevas la gxustan atenton kaj konsilojn, en sekuraj kondicioj.
Mi kompletigis 3 oficialajn ekzercadojn nuntempe. Sed mia reala persona ekzercado estas pli ricxa. Dedicado al persona ekzercado kaj instruado, lauxlonge de scivolemo, estas la radiko de la kvalito.

Why doing this?
Because you live 20,000 to 30,000 days, and you breathe 20,000 to 30,000 times a day…
…but you have probably overlooked it.
Because no fitness program would neglect a whole muscle chain…
… but pretty much all ignore the respiratory chain.
Because breathing is a fundamental physiological function that enables to manage stress, mood, emotions. Especially when associated with stressors, such as cold exposure.
Because breathing can affect your posture, which may in turn affect your breathing.